School uniforms in Wisconsin - A 347; S 278
public service commission Public Service Commission
Environmental assessment or impact statements prepared
 - A 465, 1191; S 362, 920
Piepgras Holding Company impact on operations of St. Croix Valley Natural Gas Company - S 156
Renewable portfolio standard on rates and revenue requirements: impact of state law establishing - A 1172; S 891
regulation and licensing, department of Regulation and Licensing, Department of
Biennial report - A 979; S 752
Controlled Substances Board annual report - A 131; S 495
revenue, department of Revenue, Department of
Lottery operations impact: biennial report - A 715; S 515
Lottery quarterly report - A 39, 213, 531, 803, 1130, 1198
Lottery quarterly report - S 40, 346, 398, 587, 937
revisor of statutes bureau Revisor of Statutes Bureau
Rules published - A 17, 109, 169, 212, 264, 360, 429, 448, 514, 577, 646, 715, 783, 905, 1000, 1082, 1163, 1171, 1182, 1190, 1194, 1196, 1200
Rules published - S 61, 105, 157, 192, 239, 298, 316, 338, 385, 428, 498, 517, 653, 761, 816, 878, 885, 891, 904, 916, 928, 936, 944
sentencing commission Sentencing Commission
Annual report - A 802; S 574
Report in accordance with s.973.30 (1)(g) and (i) - S 145
Small, Veterans, and Minority Business Opportunities, Council on, see Administration, Department of
southeast wisconsin professional baseball park district Southeast Wisconsin Professional Baseball Park District
Independent accountant's report regarding Miller Park construction project
 - A 425
Independent auditor's report - A 425, 1171; S 892
Miller Park sunset date professional - A 425
State Courts, Director of, see Supreme Court
State Council on Affirmative Action, see State Employment Relations, Office of
state employment relations, office of State Employment Relations, Office of
Affirmative Action Report - A 440, 1182; S 903
State Council on Affirmative Action annual report - A 518; S 387
Veterans Employment Report - A 22, 719; S 524
Written Hiring Reasons Report - A 61, 1004
W-2 Hiring Report - A 637, 1195; S 931
supreme court Supreme Court
State Courts, Director of: county reports under ss. 758.19 (5)(e) and 758.19 (6)(d), Wis.Stats - A 515, 523, 1195; S 392, 930
technical college system board Technical College System Board
Sexual assault and harassment orientation, materials, and information provided to students - A 666, 686; S 508, 945
transportation, department of Transportation, Department of
Photos released by DOT to law enforcement agencies
 - A 434, 1183; S 320, 903
Pretrial Intoxicated Driver Intervention Grant Program evaluation report
 - A 23, 709; S 11, 515
Study on computer link up to search sex offender and caregiver abuse registry database prior to issuing a school bus license - A 802; S 588
university of wisconsin _ parkside University of Wisconsin - Parkside
Charter school: academic performance of pupils and successs of governance structure - A 626; S 459
university of wisconsin hospital and clinics University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics
Patient care, education, research, and community service activities and accomplishments - A 523, 1195; S 388, 931
university of wisconsin system University of Wisconsin System
Environmental assessment or impact statements prepared - A 1192; S 923
Minority and Disadvantaged Student Report - A 203; S 180, 782
Report required under s. 36.55, Wis.Stats, and corrected copy
 - A 1191; S 917, 920
Sexual assault and harassment: dissemination of information to students
 - A 433, 1031, 1130; S 313, 842
Tuition and fee revenues appropriation - A 686; S 508, 946
Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act (WEAP) report - A 462; S 345
urban open space foundation Urban Open Space Foundation
Annual activities report - A 130, 1163; S 103, 887
veterans affairs, department of Veterans Affairs, Department of
DVA and Council on Veterans Programs joint biennial report - A 518; S 387
wisconsin hospital association Wisconsin Hospital Association
Guide to Wisconsin Hospitals - A 514, 1168; S 388
Health Care Data Report - A 424, 1166; S 884
Uncompensated Health Care Report - A 424, 1166; S 306, 884
Wisconsin Inpatient Hospital Quality Indicators Report
 - A 252, 853; S 949
Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority, see Housing and Economic Development Authority
Worker's Compensation Advisory Council, see Workforce Development, Department of
workforce development, department of Workforce Development, Department of
Business closings/mass layoffs and health care cessation notification: annual report - A 88, 977; S 87, 750
Worker's Compensation Advisory Council biennial report - S 279
resignations Resignations
Jensen, Scott R.: resigned effective 3/21/06. Represented 98th Assembly District. - A 988
Vrakas, Daniel P.: resigned effective 10/31/05. Represented 33rd Assembly District. (Elected Waukesha County Executive) - A 561
Ward, David: resigned effective 8/2/06. Represented 37th Assembly District.
 - A 1184
rules _ assembly Rules — Assembly
Assembly amendment or substitute amendment to executive budget bill containing certain types of policy items: Assembly shall not consider [Assembly rule 54m]
(offered) - A 149
Assembly committee structure and names for 2005-06 legislative session established [Assembly rules 9 (1), (f), (hd), (qm), (qr), (t), (um), (vh), (z)]
(offered) - A 13
(adopted) - A 14
Assembly daily sessions and meetings of its committees: prohibited meeting times [Assembly rules 11 (12), 28, 28 (title), and 28 (2)]
(offered) - A 369
(refused to adopt) - A 369
Assembly rules revised; new rule created [Assembly rules 5 (1)(p), 11 (4), 17 (d)(intro.), (1), (2), 32 (3) and (3)(a), 42 (1)(d), (3)(c), 73 (3)(a)]
(offered) - A 67
Assembly Sergeant at Arms, Office of: employees required to answer telephones in legislator offices when staff is on vacation, leave, or in an emergency [Assembly rule 6 (1)(L)]
(offered) - A 341
Attendance at national conferences [Assembly rule 99m]
(offered) - A 40
Hours worked by Assembly employees: each Assembly member directed to determine method and reporting period [Assembly rule 7 (5)]
(offered) - A 341
Legislative hotline call requesting a particular member of the Assembly: referral to any other member of the Assembly or Senate without written consent of the Assembly member who was called prohibited [Assembly rules 95 (43m) and 99m]
(offered) - A 340
Legislative pay increases prohibited until there is an increase in the general state minimum wage [Assembly rule 97m]
(offered) - A 260